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How Much Does Chimney Repointing Cost?

Chimney Repointing Cost

Do you remember when you last paid attention to the state of your chimney? Is it effectively venting smoke and other toxic elements from inside your house? Or perhaps it has suffered due to the relentless elements over the years? A chimney is not merely an aesthetic consideration; it also serves a useful purpose in […]

Everything you should know about Chimney Repointing

Chimney Repointing

Everything you should know about Chimney Repointing Repairing the mortar joints, which are essentially the cement spaces between the bricks of a chimney stack, is the process of “repointing” a chimney. The strength and structural integrity of the chimney depend on these joints. On aged brickwork, repointing is frequently necessary. Over a year, your chimney […]


A STEP IN TIME ? ChimneySweep