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How often should you get your chimney inspected?

When we burn wood inside the fireplace, its smoke and chemicals build a black tar-like substance called Creosote. It is very highly inflammable and prone to fire. All the owners have one common risk inside the house. Whatever you are burning, different types of issues start building and that is what makes a house very risky. In every house, the fireplace’s safety matters more than anything else. A chimney inspection is one of the most important diagnostic tools used to avoid fire.

Over 65% of wood stoves in America are outdated and inefficient versions and they are more dangerous and can easily catch fire. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the use of combustion equipment, including wood stoves, in the house, causes carbon monoxide poisoning, which kills more than 150 people on average each year. High temperatures can be reached by chimney fires (up to 2,000 degrees F).

Just as there are different types of flues and different types of chimneys so there are different levels of inspections too. As outlined by the National Fire Protection Association, there are three levels of chimney inspection. To ensure that the chimney is completely safe, many house owners prefer to go with all three levels. Let us dive deep to understand all those levels.

Level 1 Inspection

It is a basic level of chimney inspection that covers its exterior parts.

Level 2 Inspection

A very detailed inspection that covers more in-depth investigation. If there are any signs of damage during the level 1 inspection, the level 2 inspection starts. This level inspects the most possible structure. Many times in level 2 inspection, cleaning is also done.

Level 3 Inspection

Sometimes during an earlier inspection, serious problems are identified, which in turn require a quick repair for the safety and efficiency of the chimney. It gives a signal to start with Level 3 inspection. The hidden parts are accessed at this stage by removing or opening the chimney wall and all the required repairs are performed with the house owner’s permission.

Having a green flag is must to go before you start your chimney in winter

Confirming the safety of your chimney is indeed very important before the weather turns cold. Many people don’t use the chimney too often, but should they inspect it before they start using it?
The answer is “Inspect before you Burn”. A used chimney is more prone to risk. Before you start a fire, make sure that your chimney has sufficient airflow. Starting it without inspection or ignoring the chimney inspection services proves downright dangerous for the whole family.

How often should I get my chimney inspected?

Chimney inspection should always be a part of your home inspection plan. The National Fire Protection Association and Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), recommend doing this at least once a year, preferably in the fall. If you purchase a new home before the paperwork starts, your chimney should be sweep and inspected and after that, it should be done every 12 months without fail. Creosote starts building in your chimney when you use wood or other such things inside your fireplace. Even if there is a small amount of creosote or just a patch of soot, it invites danger inside the house. It can catch fire more speedily than you think. While many times there are some circumstances during which, the inspections become completely necessary. Some of them are system damage due to the water or wind, burnt odour during heating, purchasing a home that has an old fireplace inside when a chimney fire has occurred recently when there is some sudden weather lightning when the gas logs are removed or inserted etc. Many times when you notice that the soot buildup is more than 1/8-inch, it will require immediate inspection. With the help of chimney inspection all the points like measures to prevent bad quality air, directions to remove the ashes after use and preventing the deterioration of the heating systems etc are explained and proper recommendations are provided. When you feel some repairing or cleaning is required as per the recommendation and you go with the advice of the chimney sweeps, they provide protection cover for the fire risk and also to your family.

What are some safe fireplace practices?

  • The premises should be protected from the entry of dust from a chimney or other equipment by taking all necessary measures.
  • Keep the firebox free of ash accumulation. If they’re building up, remove them.
  • One should avoid using freshly cut wood as it has moisture content.
  • Always clean the ashes once the fireplace is cool.
  • Always trust the professional chimney inspection company
The beauty and warmth of your house is your fireplace. But Has your chimney been inspected by a professional every year? A tiny chimney fire can quickly spread to a home fire. To mechanically inspect your chimney, clean it or remove tar and creosote, hire a skilled and professional chimney sweep. Luckily they will solve all your issues without any hassle.

A STEP IN TIME ? ChimneySweep

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